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SilentMaster Central Vacuum Systems- For the health of your home.
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Vacuumology One - A Clean Education by Grant Olewiler

M.D. Manufacturing has been designing and installing central vacuum systems worldwide for over 40 years. As big brand names have entered the industry, there has been an influx of dubious sales pitches and promises that make intelligent purchasing choices difficult. We believe the best response to this development is education. It is imperative that you understand how vacuum power is created so you can determine which system is best for your home.
Modern technology has shed new light on some entrenched industry standards. After an extensive review of the following information, we feel confident you will agree, that M.D. central vacuums are truly the most technologically advanced units available.
The section on vacuumology below was written by Grant Olewiler of MD Manufacturing. We have only shown the introduction and two of the charts, in an attempt to show that the choice of which central vacuum to buy is not just a question of looking at the fiqures in a sales brochure!. How and under what circumstances were these fiqures reached.

For the full article on Vacuumology please go to MD Manufacturing's web site

In a vacuum motor, the rotating fans force outside air in through an opening on the bottom of the shell (you cannot see the opening in this photo). This motor has two fan stages - their is one seam separating two metal plates on the bottom section of the motor. Inside the motor the area between the rotating fans is stationary. The other components listed above perform the function of getting electricity to spin the armature which drives the fans.
The exhaust on this motor is peripheral - it comes out the holes above the shell. Other motors have a tangential, or what looks like a horned exhaust
Anatomy of a vacuum motor
Central vacuum terms and definitions
Vacuum motor anatomy
Compare filtration methods
Purcahsing guide

Copyright Bautec Appliances 2007
Certain sections of this web site are copyright of MD Manufacturing Inc, Bakersfeild, USA